Dispelling Wetiko:
Breaking the Curse of Evil
6" x 9" / 376 pages / softcover
Foreword by Catherine Austin Fitts
North Atlantic Books
Cover drawing by Paul Levy
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Book Summary
There is a contagious psychospiritual disease of the soul, a parasite of the mind, that is currently being acted out en masse on the world stage via a collective psychosis of titanic proportions. >> read more
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Audio Book
Dispelling Wetiko can be downloaded as an audio book at:
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Introduction to Wetiko
“I always look forward to reading Paul’s work; it stimulates me to greater heights of lucidity, disturbs me enough to awaken me out of my complacency, and encourages me to fly on the wings of the creative imagination. The world would be a better place if everyone read this book. His vision is a royal gift for all of us. It makes me want to sing. Bravo!”
“No one else writing in America today, in whatever genre, sees into the real nature of our crushing global endgame emergency more deeply, steadily, or wholly than Paul Levy.”
author of A Nation Gone Blind and professor emeritus at John Jay College of Criminal Justice (CUNY)
“When I read Dispelling Wetiko, I was unprepared for a work of such true brilliance and depth. Paul Levy should be congratulated on writing a seminal work.”
author of Revelation: The Divine Fire
“Levy summons us by Wisdom’s call to community, action, and our higher humanity. Truly initiatory, this book is inviting us to step through the looking glass and consciously participate in our own evolution. In exposing our psychic blindness, Paul Levy is helping us to open our eyes and see.”
author of The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight
“Dispelling Wetiko is one of those rare, courageous books that leads us where we would prefer not to go: into the depths of our own shadow. Yet this is the most essential journey for our present time.…It is a must read, without a doubt.”
author of Anatomy of the Spirit