About this Site
“Awaken in the Dream,” featuring the work of author and independent researcher Paul Levy, offers a radical integration and synthesis of many perspectives from the realms of quantum physics, alchemy, shamanism, Buddhism, Kabbalah, mystical Christianity and the work of C. G. Jung. The insights that Paul shares in his work have emerged from hard-won experience of a many-year long ordeal which amounted to a shamanic descent into the dark depths of the underworld of the unconscious individual and collective psyche.
This site is devoted to shedding light on the psycho-spiritual disease of the soul that the Native American wisdom holders call “wetiko.” Wetiko—which can be conceived of as being a mind-virus—is at the very root of the collective madness that humanity is acting out en masse in our world today. Called by many different names throughout history, wetiko is widely considered to be “the topic of topics” for us to understand in the world today—it is truly a (magical) idea whose time has come. Wetiko is a quantum phenomenon, which is to say it contains encoded within it—in true quantum style, potentially—both the deepest evil as well as its own cure. How wetiko actually manifests—whether it will wake us up or take us down—depends upon if we are able to recognize this virus of the mind as the revelation that it is. In revealing to us the dreamlike nature of this universe, wetiko is potentially giving us a key to unlocking the immense creative spirit within us, which is itself the very medicine for wetiko. Once sufficient numbers of people wake up to the dreamlike nature of our situation, we can connect with each other through our new-found and ever-deepening lucid awareness and literally change the (waking) dream we are having, which is to realize that we can consciously participate in our own evolution. We are then taking part in the greatest creative (ad)venture imaginable—how cool is that?
On this site you will find numerous articles, interviews and talks by Paul Levy, all with the intent to help us wake up to the dreamlike nature of our situation. You can order autographed copies of Paul’s books if you like, or set up a private session with Paul if you feel so inspired. Thank you for visiting and I hope the information on this site helps you to remember who you are.